So here we were ... just landed in the land of the Sun! When we took off in Bucharest the kepn' announced 30 degrees Celsius ... when we landed he said 25 ... and when we FINALLY managed to get out of the airport it felt closer to 20 ... We started to have some doubts about choosing to come so early before summer, but hopefully in the end the temperature proved to be rather good, rising each day until the last day when we couldn't stay in the sun for too long.
The first impression, which carries on even now is that the country hasn't finished loading ... or something is not finished anyway. Nothing was close to being finished around the airport, including the parking lot. We had to climb a mountain of rubble to get to the bus which was going to take us to the hotel... or maybe it was just some rubble on the ground ... On the way, the "in progress" sensation continued. There were hundreds, yes HUNDREDS of buildings which were almost finished ... almost there but not quite. There were areas where you saw these as far as the eye can see ... or as far as I was able to see anyway. We didn't take photos, but here's a photo we took when going to Cairo which shows a very similar picture...

What was a little frightening was that amongst these construction sites and piles of rubble lied ... the resorts. But, fortunately, we were not going to a resort ... we were going to a place that is much more than a resort and impressed me much more than I was expecting to be impressed. It is actually a small town called El Gouna, and prepare yourselves for a mild jaw-drop when visiting the official site
over here. The hotel where we stayed is called Sultan Bey, and it is a marvelous place.
..yeah ... every morning...
full of flower
and a small swiming pool perfect for chillin'
OK, so here we were... a relaxation OASIS in the midle of pure chaos... And relaxation was exactly what we came here for ... or so we thought ....
Find out next what we decided to do ... for relaxation ... in our first day on site ... next...
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