I can't explain it any other way ... the ending of the movie, that is ... I believe Klaatu fell prisoner of his humane body and started using his Body's brain ... his Body's other brain that is ... or at least his Body did ... Because the only "another side" of human beings I get in the end is the one that tries to blow Klaatu's spaceship to smithereens.
He was: You just tried to blow up my ship. I was right, you should die...
His Body was: Damn, this chick is fiiiine with a capital F. Stop those darn metallic insects and let's get busy!
His Body won... or not, because his Body died ... but HE didn't ... did he?
Here is an unreleased schene they cut out from the discussion with the old man at McDonald's:
Old man: You imbecile! You just stole my last McHuge tripple cheese burger from me...
Klaatu: My Body did...
Old man: You're kinda stupid...
Klaatu: My Body is...
Old man: What was I saying? Ah, yes ... There is another side to them ... they make massive yummy greasy burgers!
Klaatu: Yes, now I see ... there IS another side to them...
Klaatu's Body: Damn, this burger is fiiiine with a capital F. Stop those darn metallic insects and let's get busy!
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