I like imagining how brainstorming sessions go. I like thinking at how everybody sits at that table, finding different solutions to a problem. And here was a BIG problem. How do they make the biggest blockbuster movie of the year? Where do they stand against the competition:
- Fist fights - check
- Car chases - check
- More explosions than Star Trek - check
- More Time-Space continuum screw ups than Star Trek - check
- More robots than Transformers - check
- More see through my body special effects than Wolverine - double check
- More butt than Wolverine ... ? ... guys?? More butt than Wolverine???
Eventually one of the smarter people there thought it through and the solution was inevitable, since Terminator is the master butt showing movie of all time.
Was it the highlight of the movie? I can't really deny it, but there's more than the Terminator's butt that brings salvation to the Terminator series.
Compared to the Terminator 3 joke this should win best movie of the Universe, so I cannot hate it. It was entertaining with some good action scenes and it revisits the Terminator atmosphere from the first movies, with moments when you kinda fear that Terminator guy. The editing could have been better, but all in all it was not bad.
Well ... it looks like it checks through the entire list ... best action movie of the year? Let's hope not ...