Well, the new Star Wars is out and it's just great ... at least for Star Wars fans like me. As for non-SW fans ... well ... who cares? So, naturally, I decided to write my thoughts on Mamma Mia, the musical, which we went to shortly after The Force Awakens.
Do you like Abba? Do you like corny stories? Are you fondly remembering the 70s (or whenever it was that Abba was singing)? If, just like me, your answer to all those questions is a definite No, then this is the musical for you! Wait, what? how?
Well, truth be told, if you were really ... but REALLY... honest with yourself, you'd realize the answer to all questions above is actually Yes, and this musical will help you find this out the hard way. You may start out stuck in a room pack full of strangers (most shows are sold out) rolling your eyes at every line, but soon enough, you will be standing cheering and clapping and screaming like a 15 years old girl at a Bieber concert. Well, at least that's what I did... Things got quite steamy at some point with some ladies in the row behind us proving to be quite impressed with the bare pecs and abs parading around the stage. So there's that to look forward to as well ... if you're a lady that likes lady things, that is ...
There is however a pretty big problem with Mamma Mia! - the musical... and it's this:
Yes, I am talking about Mamma Mia! - the musical - the movie. The musical - the movie sets the bar very very high, The actors are great, even when they can't sing. Take Pierce Brosnan ... his singing is not the best, but who cares? It's Pierce Brosnan on a good day! He brings true character to the story (Btw I think this is possibly one of his best movies). Take Meryl Streep ... well ... she... can act and sing as well, so actually that's a top performance that seems impossible to beat. Same goes for Amanda Seyfried, that girl can sing.
There is however a pretty big problem with Mamma Mia! - the musical - the movie. And it's the fact that a live show will always impress more even with a little bit less, so in the end it's hard to say who's the winner here. My advice, see both. Beware, though, you may learn some unexpected things about yourself in the process.
And, oh yeah, if you are a Star Wars fan, go see The Force Awakens, it's awesome!
The Story
A Legend is Born
*Chapter 1: Breadcrumbs*
The Day Hope left Earth Breadcrumbs
*Chapter 2: Wake Up Call*
Jackpot Only Two More To Go Wake...
10 years ago