My, oh, my ... I think I have the first contender for my Worst Movie of The Year award ...

Before seeing this last night, I was thinking it was going to be bad ... The charm of the TV series was that it came in small amounts and that it was small amounts of different things. So, naturally, I thought there's no way they can make a two hours movie as good as a 30 minutes episode. The saddest thing about the movie is that they didn't even try...
Instead of going for the theme of the TV series (them 4 and their strange and funny relationships) the movie went for some kind of pumped up The Devil wears Prada ... and Gucci and LOUIS VUITTON. LOUIS VUITTTON DID YOU READ THAT ???? LOUIS VUITTON!!! The main MOMENT of the movie is the fashion parade, and I think they could have left out the rest of it and spare us of 2 hours of fashion commercials... I mean COME ON, who the heck dresses up like that every single time they go out of the house???
The other thing that bothered me big time was how they go YAAAAAAY every time they meet... like YAAAAAAYYYY, IIIIIIIEEEEE, YYIYIYIIYIYIYYAAAAA !!! Samantha, I haven't seen you in like ... 1 day ??? Geeeeeeeeesh ....
The story was weak, the funny moments non-existent ... dissapointing to say the least ... and I was not expecting much ...