Like, OMG, I can't believe my eyes ... Predator decided to get rid of the evidence !!! He got rid of the body, the alien who did it, and the pool where the fore mentioned alien took a pee. And then, he decided to kill the witnesses !!
In case you didn't notice I kinda spoiled the end of the movie with that pic. But, that's not really a problem since the OFFICIAL trailer reveals even more about the movie's quite obvious ending.
Help me out here, I really can't figure this one out ... What is up with that STUPID Predalien? It looks like barf and has this incredibly stupid ability to pregnate already pregnant women with lots and lots of tiny aliens ... like ... wtf? Is this the same guy how came up with Species ... 5 ... ?
There's a very simple word to sum up this movie ... It's CHEAP. All in all my headache went away ...